Settlements > Troy



Alexander the Great's connection to Troy is deeply rooted in both his personal admiration for Homeric literature and his strategic use of cultural symbolism. Here's an overview of Alexander's visit to Troy and its significance:

The Historical and Cultural Context

  1. Homeric Influence:

    • Admiration for Achilles: Alexander was deeply influenced by Homer's "Iliad," which recounts the events of the Trojan War. He particularly admired Achilles, the greatest warrior of the Greeks at Troy, and often sought to emulate him.
    • Education: Tutored by Aristotle, Alexander was well-versed in Greek literature and mythology. The stories of the Trojan War and the heroes of the "Iliad" were an integral part of his education and personal ideology.
  2. Symbolic Connection:

    • Claim of Ancestry: Alexander claimed to be descended from Achilles on his mother Olympias's side and from Heracles (Hercules) on his father's side. This lineage linked him to the heroic age and the legendary figures of Greek mythology.

Alexander's Visit to Troy

  1. Timing:

    • Before the Persian Campaign: Alexander visited Troy in 334 BCE, shortly after crossing the Hellespont (modern-day Dardanelles) and entering Asia Minor at the start of his campaign against the Persian Empire.
  2. Rituals and Honors:

    • Grave of Achilles: Alexander visited the supposed tomb of Achilles, where he performed sacrifices and honors. This act was both a personal homage to his hero and a public display of his connection to the heroic past.
    • Armor Dedication: According to historical accounts, Alexander took armor from the temple of Athena at Troy, possibly as a symbolic gesture to invoke the protection of the goddess and to align himself with the Greek heroes who fought at Troy.
  3. Strategic Symbolism:

    • Legitimizing Campaign: By visiting Troy, Alexander sought to frame his campaign against Persia as a continuation of the epic struggle between Greece and Asia, echoing the legendary conflict of the Trojan War.
    • Propaganda: The visit served as powerful propaganda, reinforcing Alexander's image as a new Achilles leading a pan-Hellenic expedition against the Persian "barbarians."

Historical Accounts

  1. Arrian's "Anabasis":

    • Description of the Visit: Arrian provides a detailed account of Alexander's visit to Troy, emphasizing the rituals performed and Alexander's admiration for Achilles. He also mentions the exchange of armor at the temple of Athena.
  2. Plutarch's "Life of Alexander":

    • Plutarch's Account: Plutarch highlights Alexander's emotional connection to the heroes of the "Iliad." He describes how Alexander honored the tombs of Achilles and other Greek heroes, reflecting his deep personal and cultural motivations.

Legacy and Impact

  1. Cultural Resonance:

    • Heroic Ideal: Alexander's visit to Troy reinforced his identification with the heroic ideals of Greek culture. This connection resonated with his troops and with the wider Greek world, enhancing his leadership and charisma.
    • Hellenistic Influence: The symbolic act of visiting Troy and honoring Achilles contributed to the cultural synthesis of the Hellenistic period, blending Greek mythological heritage with the new realities of Alexander's vast empire.
  2. Historical Continuity:

    • Linking Past and Present: Alexander's actions at Troy created a narrative of historical continuity, linking his conquests to the mythic past. This narrative helped to legitimize his rule and his campaigns, positioning him as a rightful successor to the heroes of old.


Alexander the Great's visit to Troy was a carefully orchestrated blend of personal reverence, cultural symbolism, and strategic propaganda. By honoring Achilles and other Greek heroes, Alexander not only paid homage to his literary and ancestral inspirations but also solidified his image as a new hero in the mold of the great warriors of the past. This visit, rich in symbolic meaning, played a crucial role in shaping the cultural and political narrative of his conquests.


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