Settlements > Ptolemaic Settlements

Ptolemaic Settlements


Main Settlements

The Ptolemaic settlements refer to the colonies and cities established or significantly developed during the Ptolemaic dynasty, which ruled Egypt from 305 BCE to 30 BCE. This period, also known as the Hellenistic era in Egypt, was marked by the integration of Greek and Egyptian cultures, with a focus on urban development and the spread of Greek culture and influence throughout the region.

Characteristics of Ptolemaic Settlements:

Cultural Integration: Ptolemaic settlements were often designed to blend Greek and Egyptian cultural elements. Public buildings, temples, and monuments reflected Hellenistic architectural styles while incorporating traditional Egyptian motifs.

Economic Hubs: Many of these cities served as key economic centers, focusing on trade, agriculture, and resource exploitation. They were strategically located to maximize economic benefits from local and international trade routes.

Military and Strategic Importance: Some settlements were established for their strategic military value, such as controlling trade routes, securing borders, or exploiting local resources (e.g., Ptolemais Theron for elephant hunting).

Urban Development: The Ptolemaic rulers invested heavily in urban infrastructure, including roads, harbors, irrigation systems, and public buildings, to enhance the functionality and appeal of their settlements. These settlements were integral to the Ptolemaic strategy of consolidating power, promoting economic prosperity, and fostering a unique blend of Greek and Egyptian cultures.

Alexandria in Egypt

See Alexandria in Egypt

Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE, Alexandria became the capital of Ptolemaic Egypt and a major center of Greek culture and learning. It was famous for its Great Library, the Pharos lighthouse (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World), and its status as a cosmopolitan hub. Alexandria was the cultural and intellectual heart of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, attracting scholars, scientists, and artists from across the Mediterranean world.

Minor Settlements


See Ptolemais

Ptolemais Hermiou:

Founded by Ptolemy I Soter, Ptolemais Hermiou was located in Upper Egypt. It was intended to be a Greek polis (city-state) in the traditional sense and served as a center for Greek settlers in the region. This settlement exemplifies the Ptolemaic strategy of establishing Greek cities in Egypt to secure loyalty and promote Hellenistic culture in the countryside.

Coptos (Qift):

An ancient Egyptian city that gained importance under the Ptolemies due to its strategic location on trade routes between the Nile and the Red Sea. Coptos became a key center for trade, especially for goods coming from the East, such as spices, incense, and other luxury items.

Ptolemais Theron:

Located on the Red Sea coast, this settlement was primarily a hunting station for elephants, which were used in the Ptolemaic army. Ptolemais Theron highlights the Ptolemies' interest in utilizing natural resources and their strategic military initiatives.

Berence Troglodytica

See Berence Troglodytica

Berenice (Berenice Troglodytica) is a port city on the Red Sea, founded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus and named after his mother, Berenice I. It served as a crucial point for trade between Egypt, Africa, and India. Berenice was instrumental in facilitating the spice trade and other commercial exchanges between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.

Ptolemais Hermiou


An earlier Greek settlement in Egypt, it was revitalized under the Ptolemies. Located on the Nile Delta, Naucratis served as a major trading post and cultural link between Greece and Egypt. Naucratis was significant for its role in fostering Hellenistic culture and commerce in Egypt before and during the Ptolemaic period.

Arsinoe (Faiyum):

Named after Arsinoe II, this city in the Faiyum region was a center of agricultural development and innovation. The area was extensively developed under the Ptolemies through the construction of irrigation systems and new settlements. rsinoe became an important agricultural hub, contributing to the economic stability and wealth of the Ptolemaic Kingdom.

Here is a more comprehensive list of settlements founded or significantly developed during the Ptolemaic Kingdom, including their approximate modern-day coordinates:

Settlement NameModern-Day LocationLatitudeLongitude
AlexandriaAlexandria, Egypt31.2001°N29.9187°E
PtolemaisEl-Mansha, Egypt26.5545°N31.6948°E
Berenice TroglodyticaNear Ras Banas, Egypt23.9186°N35.4846°E
NaucratisNear El-Nibeira, Egypt30.5824°N30.7656°E
Arsinoe (Faiyum)Faiyum, Egypt29.3103°N30.8429°E
PhiloteraQuseir, Egypt26.1044°N34.2770°E
LeontopolisKafr El-Sheikh, Egypt30.8333°N30.8500°E
NicopolisNear El-Mansura, Egypt31.0440°N31.3785°E
Berenice EpideiresNear Abu Zenima, Egypt29.0453°N33.0762°E
AntinopolisSheikh Ibada, Egypt27.8018°N30.7945°E
Ptolemais TheronNear Suakin, Sudan19.1078°N37.3325°E
Arsinoe (Gulf of Suez)Suez, Egypt29.9668°N32.5498°E
CyreneShahat, Libya32.8281°N21.8582°E
ApolloniaSusa, Libya32.8996°N21.9747°E
ParaitonionMersa Matruh, Egypt31.3525°N27.2373°E
EphesusSelçuk, Turkey37.9494°N27.3638°E
Berenice PanchrysosNear Kassala, Sudan15.4500°N36.4000°E
Alexandria TroasDalyan, Turkey39.8006°N26.1735°E
CanopusAbu Qir, Egypt31.3178°N30.0677°E
Ptolemais HermiouEl-Mansha, Egypt26.5560°N31.6946°E
Arsinoe (Ethiopia)Near Dire Dawa, Ethiopia9.5898°N41.8623°E
HeliopolisCairo, Egypt30.0871°N31.3066°E
HermopolisEl Ashmunein, Egypt27.7772°N30.8057°E
MemphisMit Rahina, Egypt29.8480°N31.2554°E
SyeneAswan, Egypt24.0889°N32.8998°E
ClysmaSuez, Egypt29.9668°N32.5498°E
ThmuisNear El-Mansoura, Egypt31.0562°N31.3807°E
TanisSan el-Hagar, Egypt30.9667°N31.8667°E
HeracleionAbu Qir Bay, Egypt31.3083°N30.1169°E
Arsinoe (Libya)Marsa Matruh, Egypt31.3525°N27.2373°E
OxyrhynchusEl-Bahnasa, Egypt28.6314°N30.7613°E
ThebesLuxor, Egypt25.6872°N32.6396°E
Diospolis ParvaHiww, Egypt26.1274°N32.6480°E
AbydosNear El-Balyana, Egypt26.0469°N32.2416°E
DenderaDendera, Egypt26.1386°N32.6783°E
Kom OmboKom Ombo, Egypt24.4828°N32.9381°E


  1. Coordinates are approximate and based on modern-day cities or locations believed to be near the ancient sites.
  2. Settlement names and locations reflect the extensive influence of the Ptolemaic Kingdom across Egypt and surrounding regions.

The Ptolemaic Kingdom established and developed numerous settlements that served as administrative centers, military outposts, and hubs of Hellenistic culture and commerce, significantly impacting the cultural and administrative landscape of the regions under its control.

Complete List

AAlexandriaAthribisAthribis (Upper Egypt)BBerenice TroglodyticaEEl KabEsnaHHellenion (Naucratis)MMarina, EgyptMyos HormosNNaucratisOOxyrhynchusPPhilaeQQiftQusR► Ptolemaic colonies in the Red Sea‎ (7 P)Pages in category "Ptolemaic colonies"AArsinoe (Eritrea)BBerenice EpideiresBerenice PanchrysosBerenice TroglodyticaEElaea (Aethiopia)MMyos HormosPPtolemais TheronThe following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).AArsinoe (Cilicia)Arsinoe (Crete)Arsinoe (Gulf of Suez)Arsinoe (Northwest Cyprus)Arsinoe (Southwest Cyprus)BPtolemaic BarisButoDDecapolisKKonopeLLycopolisPPtolemais HermiouTThmuis


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