Settlements > Attalid Settlements

Attalid Settlements


The Attalid settlements were cities and territories associated with the Attalid dynasty, a Hellenistic dynasty that ruled the Kingdom of Pergamon in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) from the 3rd to the 2nd century BCE. The Attalids were known for their patronage of the arts, sciences, and culture, as well as their strategic alliances and military prowess. Here are some of the most notable Attalid settlements:

Pergamon (Pergamum): Pergamon was the capital and primary settlement of the Attalid kingdom. It was strategically situated on a high promontory overlooking the Caicus River valley in western Anatolia. Pergamon was renowned for its impressive acropolis, temples, theaters, and library. The Attalid kings, particularly Attalus I and Eumenes II, lavishly adorned the city with monuments and works of art, making it a center of Hellenistic culture and learning.

Ephesus: Ephesus was an ancient Greek city located near the western coast of Anatolia, in what is now modern-day Turkey. While Ephesus was originally founded by Ionian Greeks, it flourished under Attalid rule and became one of the largest and most prosperous cities in the region. The Attalids contributed to the city's development with various building projects, including temples, theaters, and a famous street called the Arcadian Way.

Pergamene Colonies: The Attalids established several colonies and settlements in Asia Minor to promote agricultural development, secure trade routes, and expand their influence. These colonies were often populated by Greek settlers and served as agricultural and economic centers for the kingdom. Some notable colonies include Attaleia (modern-day Antalya) and Attaleiotis in Lycia, as well as cities in the Troad region.

Priene: Priene was an ancient Greek city located in the Maeander River basin in western Anatolia. While not directly controlled by the Attalids, Priene maintained close ties with the kingdom and received patronage from Attalid rulers. The city was known for its well-preserved gridiron street plan and the Temple of Athena Polias, which was renovated with the support of the Attalids.

Magnesia ad Sipylum: Magnesia was an ancient city located near the Hermus River in western Anatolia. It was strategically positioned along trade routes and served as an important commercial center. The Attalids supported the development of Magnesia, and the city became known for its sanctuary of Artemis Leucophryene and its Hellenistic architecture.

These are some of the key settlements associated with the Attalid dynasty in Asia Minor. The Attalids left a lasting legacy in the region, with their cities serving as centers of culture, commerce, and innovation during the Hellenistic period.

The Attalid Kingdom, centered in Pergamon, was a Hellenistic state established by the Attalid dynasty after the death of Lysimachus. The kingdom is known for its rich cultural heritage and significant contributions to art and architecture. Below is a table of notable settlements in the Attalid Kingdom, including their latitude, longitude, year founded, and population where available.

SettlementLatitudeLongitudeYear FoundedPopulation (Approx.)
Pergamon (Pergamum)39.123927.1865c. 3rd century BCEUnknown
Ephesus37.939127.3414c. 10th century BCE (Attalid control c. 3rd century BCE)Unknown
Smyrna (Izmir)38.419227.1287c. 11th century BCE (Attalid control c. 3rd century BCE)Unknown
Adramyttium39.579326.9214c. 5th century BCEUnknown
Thyatira38.919527.8407c. 3rd century BCEUnknown
Cyme (Namrut)38.900027.0900c. 11th century BCE (Attalid control c. 3rd century BCE)Unknown
Aegae (Nemrutkale)38.853127.1239c. 8th century BCE (Attalid control c. 3rd century BCE)Unknown
Elaea39.116426.8989c. 10th century BCE (Attalid control c. 3rd century BCE)Unknown
Myrina38.933326.9333c. 11th century BCE (Attalid control c. 3rd century BCE)Unknown
Pitane38.948126.9333c. 8th century BCE (Attalid control c. 3rd century BCE)Unknown
Teos38.163326.7733c. 11th century BCE (Attalid control c. 3rd century BCE)Unknown
Phocaea (Foça)38.670026.7700c. 10th century BCE (Attalid control c. 3rd century BCE)Unknown


  1. Pergamon (Pergamum): The capital of the Attalid Kingdom, known for its impressive Acropolis, library, and the Altar of Zeus.
  2. Ephesus: An ancient city renowned for the Temple of Artemis, came under Attalid control during the 3rd century BCE.
  3. Smyrna (Izmir): An important port city that flourished under Attalid rule.
  4. Adramyttium: A significant coastal city with historical ties to both the Greek and Persian empires.
  5. Thyatira: Known for its ancient industries, including dyeing and weaving, came under Attalid control in the 3rd century BCE.
  6. Cyme (Namrut): An ancient Aeolian city that became part of the Attalid Kingdom.
  7. Aegae (Nemrutkale): Another important Aeolian city under Attalid control.
  8. Elaea: Served as the main port of Pergamon.
  9. Myrina: An Aeolian city that thrived under Attalid rule.
  10. Pitane: Known for its strategic location and significant in trade and military affairs.
  11. Teos: A city famous for its sanctuary of Dionysus, came under Attalid control in the 3rd century BCE.
  12. Phocaea (Foça): An important Ionian city known for its maritime prowess and trade, integrated into the Attalid realm.

These settlements were integral to the administration, culture, and economy of the Attalid Kingdom, contributing to its prominence in the Hellenistic period. Exact population figures are generally unavailable due to the ancient context, but these cities were major centers of activity in their time.


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