Hellenistic Structures > Sanctuary of the Great Gods

Sanctuary of the Great Gods


The Sanctuary of the Great Gods, also known as the Sanctuary of the Cabeiri, is located on the island of Samothrace in the northern Aegean Sea. It was one of the most important religious sites in the ancient Greek world, known for its mysterious and influential religious rites known as the Samothracian Mysteries. Here’s a detailed overview of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods:

Historical Context

  1. Location:

    • Samothrace is a mountainous island in the northern Aegean Sea, known for its rugged terrain and strategic location.
    • The sanctuary is situated in a valley on the northern side of the island, near the ancient city of Samothrake (Samothrace).
  2. The Great Gods (Cabeiri):

    • The exact identities of the Great Gods worshipped at the sanctuary remain somewhat obscure, but they are often associated with chthonic deities linked to the earth and the underworld.
    • The principal deities included Axieros (often identified with Demeter), Axiokersa (Persephone), Axiokersos (Hades), and Kadmilos (Hermes or a related figure).
  3. Samothracian Mysteries:

    • The Samothracian Mysteries were initiation ceremonies held at the sanctuary, similar in nature to the Eleusinian Mysteries.
    • Initiates sought protection, especially from dangers at sea, and believed that participating in the mysteries would bring them closer to the gods and provide them with certain spiritual benefits.

Architectural Features

  1. Hieron (Holy Place):

    • The Hieron was the central and most sacred building in the sanctuary, where the most important rituals and initiations took place.
    • It was a large, rectangular building with a central hall used for the secret rites of the mysteries.
  2. Anaktoron:

    • The Anaktoron, or Hall of the Kings, was another significant building where parts of the initiation ceremonies were conducted.
    • This structure was also associated with the royal or priestly functions related to the mysteries.
  3. Theatral Circle:

    • The Theatral Circle was an open-air space with a semicircular arrangement of stone seats, used for gatherings and preliminary rituals.
    • It provided a place for initiates and visitors to assemble and observe the ceremonies.
  4. Rotunda of Arsinoe:

    • This large, circular building was dedicated by Queen Arsinoe II of Egypt and served as a grand structure for worship and possibly for gatherings related to the mysteries.
    • It is one of the largest known rotundas in ancient Greek architecture, showcasing Hellenistic architectural innovation.
  5. Nike of Samothrace:

    • The famous statue of Nike (Victory), which is now housed in the Louvre Museum, was originally part of the sanctuary.
    • The statue, dating to around 190 BCE, commemorated a naval victory and was placed on the prow of a stone ship, symbolizing triumph and divine favor.
  6. Temenos:

    • The temenos was a sacred precinct that enclosed the sanctuary’s central area, delineating the holy space dedicated to the Great Gods.
    • It included altars, smaller temples, and various dedications from worshippers.

Religious and Cultural Significance

  1. Mystery Cult:

    • The Samothracian Mysteries were renowned throughout the ancient Greek world, attracting initiates from various regions, including prominent figures such as Philip II of Macedon.
    • The rites were kept secret, but they were believed to offer protection and a closer relationship with the divine.
  2. Pilgrimage Site:

    • The sanctuary was a major pilgrimage destination, drawing visitors who sought initiation into the mysteries or wished to offer thanks and seek blessings from the Great Gods.
    • The sanctuary’s location and its religious significance made it a cultural and spiritual hub.
  3. Political and Social Influence:

    • The sanctuary played a role in the political and social spheres, with various city-states and rulers making dedications to the Great Gods to gain favor and legitimize their power.
    • It also facilitated connections and alliances through shared religious practices.

Archaeological Discoveries

  1. Excavations:

    • Archaeological excavations at the sanctuary began in the 19th century and have continued to the present day, revealing the complex layout and rich history of the site.
    • Significant discoveries include the Hieron, the Theatral Circle, the Rotunda of Arsinoe, and numerous inscriptions and artifacts.
  2. Artifacts:

    • Many artifacts, including votive offerings, inscriptions, and architectural fragments, have been uncovered, providing insights into the religious practices and daily life at the sanctuary.
    • The famous statue of Nike of Samothrace, discovered in 1863, remains one of the most iconic artifacts associated with the sanctuary.


The Sanctuary of the Great Gods on Samothrace was a vital religious center in ancient Greece, known for its mysterious and influential initiation rites. The architectural grandeur and the significance of the Samothracian Mysteries attracted pilgrims and worshippers from across the ancient world. Today, the sanctuary remains an important archaeological site, offering valuable insights into ancient religious practices and Hellenistic architecture.


René Ginouvès. Dictionnaire méthodique de l'architecture grecque et romaine, tome III, Espace architecturaux, bâtiments et ensembles Collection de l'École française de Rome 84, EFR - EFA, 1998 ISSN 0223-5099 OCLC 1567346, p. 68.

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