People > Lysimachus



Lysimachus (circa 360–281 BC) was one of Alexander the Great's most trusted generals and a key figure among the Diadochi (Successors) who fought for control of Alexander's empire after his death. Lysimachus established himself as a significant ruler, eventually becoming king of Thrace, Asia Minor, and Macedon. His career was marked by military prowess, political acumen, and eventual downfall. Here is a detailed overview of his life and significance:

Early Life and Career

Role in the Wars of the Diadochi

Expansion of Territory

Reign as King of Macedon

Downfall and Death



Lysimachus was a formidable general and ruler whose life encapsulates the tumultuous period following Alexander the Great's death. His rise to power, marked by military success and political savvy, allowed him to control significant territories in Thrace, Asia Minor, and Macedon. However, his later years were plagued by internal conflict and external threats, culminating in his defeat and death in 281 BC. Lysimachus's legacy is a blend of military prowess, cultural patronage, and the inherent instability of the Hellenistic kingdoms.


See Arrian, Anab. v. 13, vi. 28; justin xv. 3, 4, xvii. 1; Quintus Curtius v. 3, x. 30; Diod. Sic. xviii. 3; Polybius v. 67; Plutarch, Demetrius, 31. 52, Pyrrhus, 12; Ap ian, Syriana, 62; Thirlwall, History of Greece, vol. viii. (1847); P. Mahaffy, Story of Alexander's Empire; Droysen, Hellenismus (znd ed., 1877); A. Holm, Griechische Geschichte, vol. iv. (1894); B. Niese, Gesch. d. griech. u. maked. Staaten, vols. i. and ii. (1893, 1899); J. Beloch, Griech. Gesch. vol. iii. (1904); Hiinerwadel, Forschungen zur Gesch. des Koni s Lysimachus (1900); Possenti, Il Re Lisimaco di Tracia (1901); Ghione, Note sul regno di Lisimaco (Atti d. real. Aocad. di Torino, xxxix.); and Macedonian Empire.

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 17

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