People > Aristotle



Aristotle and Alexander the Great are two of the most significant figures in ancient history, each leaving a profound impact on the world in their respective fields. Their relationship, particularly as teacher and student, played a crucial role in shaping Alexander's education and, subsequently, his approach to leadership and governance.

Aristotle: The Philosopher

  1. Background:

    • Aristotle was born in 384 BCE in Stagira, a city in northern Greece. He studied at Plato's Academy in Athens and later became a teacher there.
    • After Plato's death, Aristotle left Athens and spent time in various places, including the court of Hermias of Atarneus and Assos.
  2. Philosophical Contributions:

    • Aristotle made significant contributions to various fields, including metaphysics, ethics, politics, logic, biology, and more. His works laid the foundation for much of Western philosophy and science.
    • Key works include "Nicomachean Ethics," "Politics," "Metaphysics," "Poetics," and "Prior Analytics."

Alexander the Great: The Conqueror

  1. Background:

    • Alexander was born in 356 BCE in Pella, the capital of Macedon. He was the son of King Philip II of Macedon and Queen Olympias.
    • From a young age, Alexander showed great promise as a military leader and statesman.
  2. Conquests and Legacy:

    • Alexander succeeded his father in 336 BCE and embarked on a campaign to conquer the Persian Empire, achieving unprecedented military success.
    • His empire stretched from Greece to Egypt and as far east as India, making it one of the largest empires in ancient history.
    • Alexander's legacy includes the spread of Greek culture and influence throughout his empire, a period known as the Hellenistic Age.

The Teacher-Student Relationship

  1. Aristotle's Tutorship:

    • When Alexander was 13 years old, King Philip II invited Aristotle to become Alexander's tutor. Aristotle taught Alexander from 343 BCE to 335 BCE.
    • The education took place at Mieza, near Pella, where Aristotle instructed Alexander and other noble youths in various subjects, including philosophy, science, medicine, and literature.
  2. Influence on Alexander:

    • Aristotle's teachings profoundly influenced Alexander's thinking and approach to leadership. Alexander developed a deep appreciation for Greek culture, philosophy, and science.
    • Aristotle's emphasis on ethics and governance shaped Alexander's policies and practices, including his respect for different cultures and his efforts to integrate diverse peoples into his empire.

Key Aspects of Their Relationship

  1. Education and Curriculum:

    • Aristotle's curriculum for Alexander included a wide range of subjects. He instilled in Alexander a love for Homer, particularly "The Iliad," which Alexander reportedly carried with him throughout his campaigns.
    • Aristotle's teachings on ethics and politics likely influenced Alexander's approach to ruling his empire, promoting ideas of just leadership and the importance of knowledge.
  2. Philosophical Influence:

    • Aristotle's philosophy emphasized empirical observation and logical analysis, which may have contributed to Alexander's strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.
    • The concept of the "Golden Mean," or moderation in all things, was a key ethical teaching of Aristotle, possibly influencing Alexander's efforts to balance his ambitions with practical governance.
  3. Differing Views:

    • Despite Aristotle's significant influence, Alexander eventually diverged from some of his teacher's views, particularly on the treatment of non-Greeks. While Aristotle believed in Greek superiority, Alexander adopted a more inclusive approach, integrating Persians and other conquered peoples into his administration and army.


  1. Aristotle's Impact:

    • Aristotle's impact on Western thought is immense, with his works forming the basis of various fields of study for centuries. His influence extended well beyond his lifetime, shaping the intellectual foundation of Western civilization.
  2. Alexander's Empire:

    • Alexander's conquests created a new cultural and political landscape in the ancient world. The spread of Hellenistic culture facilitated the exchange of ideas, art, and science across a vast region.
    • His legacy as a military genius and visionary leader continues to be studied and admired.


The relationship between Aristotle and Alexander the Great was one of the most influential teacher-student relationships in history. Aristotle's teachings provided Alexander with a foundation in philosophy, science, and ethics, shaping his approach to leadership and governance. While they eventually diverged in their views, the intellectual and cultural exchange between them left a lasting impact on the ancient world and beyond. Aristotle's contributions to philosophy and Alexander's achievements in empire-building continue to resonate through history, highlighting the enduring legacy of their extraordinary lives.


1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 2

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